Sunday, 22 May 2011

Rehearsal Week 3.

The beginning of the week we went back to blocking the four scenes and trying to find the places of comedy and playing about with scenes to see what works and what doesnt. Throughout the week we have spent a great deal of time on walming our bodies and voices up. I found the walm up's benifical for me because I felt my body and voice were connected. The body walm up was a perfect way to wake up me up in the early morning starts and was refreshing to do. The voice walm up really helped with my range. In the play I give my character Honey a high pitched voice and this is a great exercise to walm from vocal cords. Voice walms up range from tounge twisters to saying words in a deep or high pitched voice.

On Tuesday's rehearsal we did dress run with Richard watching our first run through. Richard had some constructive critazism about the run. He said that we could all hard to take risks with the characters have fun with them and not feel so restricted and to change the ending so that it didnt end has a cliff hanger. I feel those new ending fits our edited version of the play and feel like a more natural ending and answers how Maratha and George's relationship's ends up. I also feel that I am finding Honey's character the more that I rehearse. I also feel that when all of the cast are in costume that our characters come to life more. The only charactistic that am struggling with is still her giggley personality. This week we did a couple of runs with different speeds and quality's. One of them was where I had to be giggley, I stuggled to this because in the script there are a lot of things that Honey's character wouldnt laugh at (for example - Martha flirting with Nick).

Abbie also did exercises where we had to greet people which helped to make us use different emotions and body language and this game lead into playing the game where she would shout a body part that we had to lead with. These games really helped us think about our characters bod language and how walk and greet people. Which help to layer each of characters and by Friday when we did our first run with an audience, one of their comments was our detailed our characters were and how they could tell what kind of characters we were playing before we even spoke. There only critasim was the clarity in which deliver our lines. Some of the lines were not articualted enough and some of the jokes were missed because of that, but its hard to deliver clear lines because of the accents. I felt that personally the run went really well. I was a little nervous and that really helped with my characters giggley personality. There were things in there that me and James did that made the audience laugh which was shocking because our characters dont deliver the comedy lines.

Towards the end of week all of the cast and including myself were really run down and tired and we had no energy. Thursday rehearsal tired us all out and by Friday we were really tired. Thursday we did a full body and vocal walm up and then ran the play several time in lots of different ways such has fast,loud,flirty and cutting each other lines of. By doing this we were able to see what did and didnt work and made certain things funny and this brought a whole new comedy element to the play.

Overall it has been successful week and I think having outside opinions has really helped with play has whole. After what Richard said, about choosing and objective throughout the play and sticking to it I think I have decided to choose that Honey doesnt want to be there and cant wait to get home. I feel this week that I have really improved with my chracterisation work and over the weekend I need to work on our deliver my lines and the clarity in which I say them because the Robert Powell is big space to fill.


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