Saturday, 14 May 2011

Rehearsal Weeks 1 & 2

The first week of rehearsal we concertrated on trust and relationships between both couples. In the first week we did various improvisations about "what could of happened". We built events that happened before the night that the story takes place. For example when Nick asks Honey to marry him and she undemines him. All these events helped when it came to the second rehearsal week where we blocking each scene and by the Fridays rehearsal we were of scripts and running the play from start to finsh. We blocked and developed each scene and I feel that am engaging with Honey's character the more I rehearse. The relationship building from the first week I think as really helped me with Honey and Nick's relationship. I am happy with how my accent is coming along and how I have soften Honey's voice but I still think I can soften her voice even more. I also feel that I need to work on Honey's giggly personality because I feel that I havent quite got that characteristic yet. Finally I still need to learn the order that my lines go in because I forget sometimes the order them go in. Am going to spend the weekend looking over script and learning the order of lines.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Hi Katie and welcome to the blog :)

    x x

    p.s We'll work on your giggling next week!
